Sunday, February 12, 2012

Time's coming

I'm sort of in a state of....not sure. Numbness in some respects. More than likely, T will start late March, early April. It's funny to tell my friend that the hold up is that HE needs a PAP smear and can't get it till March 13.

We have a great Naturopath who wants a baseline for everything, including a pap smear and all fasting labs. Things are starting to be so real now. It's weird and hard. Hard because Owen will become a male--thicker blood, higher LDLs, different fat distribution that can be a higher heart attack rate. It's all very scary for me.

Sometimes I feel that I'm coddling and not letting him do enough of the legwork. I really hope that he's ready for this.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Your Best

I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. As I develop and serve, be patient. God is not finished with me yet.
--Jesse Jackson

Sometimes I still get asked questions by very conservative believers why I am happy and okay with Owen's "choice". I say choice because Owen has chosen to live the path the he feels the most comfortable and open with, even though the physical odds are against him in that respect.

I had an epiphany this morning--My best work is done when I am at my best. That means feeling comfortable in my skin. If you've never seen me before, I am obese, so feeling comfortable in my own skin takes some effort. I feel best when I'm wearing nice jeans or slacks. And if I feel girly, I feel comfortable in a skirt with boots. Owen has a brain that is disconnected from his body when it comes to the physical attributes. He feels his best by wearing ANYTHING from the mens' department. By showing you our true inside on the outside (me-simplistic, down-to-earth female: Owen-heartfelt, semi-extrovert male) we are doing our best work for God and community. So next time you have people who disagree with you, religious or not, let them know that this is your best, and your best is what God wants.